Everything You Need to Know About Client Care Kits

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You’ve no doubt put a lot of time into making your business thrive. Maybe you have created a website or listed your spray tan business on several sites. Perhaps you’re purchasing Google, Bing, or Facebook Ads or are getting great reviews on Yelp. And of course you’ve practiced spray tanning, are confident in your technique, and are able to identify the best solution for each client.

But there are still plenty of ways to increase your business!

Recent market research studies from Mintel have shown that clients who leave your salon with a product in hand are significantly more likely to schedule and return for a future appointment.

Still another study revealed that the cost and effort of keeping an existing client is significantly lower than that of earning a new one.

Consider this: for an existing customer you don’t need to advertise to let them know your business exists, you don’t need to offer them any sort of “first time” offer or discount to try out your service, and you don’t need to take the extra time to walk them through the entire service–a returning client already knows the service and understands what’s expected of them, and what to expect!

The great news is that you can take advantage of what these studies have confirmed to make your business even more profitable. First, let’s go over what we know to be true:

  1. Your client has chosen to come to you over your competition for a service
  2. Your client trusts you and values your opinion and skills (or else they wouldn’t let you spray solution on them!)
  3. Ensuring a client returns is less expensive, and requires less time, than finding a new client
  4. Getting your client to leave with a product will increase the likelihood that they will return for another service

So the obvious question that comes up is: “how can I get my client to leave with a product?”

There are two ways that you can go about doing this.

  1. You can consult them during the spray tan service, recommend a skincare item or other product, and then make the sale
  2. You can give them a free Client Care Kit

A Client Care Kit is one of the greatest tools for ensuring a return service. It’s a simple, feel-good gift bag that also doubles as a reminder of your business, so your clients will receive items that they can use and enjoy, and they’ll remember who gave it to them! And the great thing about a Client Care Kit is that you can put anything into yours!

We interviewed some of our salons, spas, and mobile users about what they include in their Client Care Kits, and we’ve offered up some other suggestions as well!

  • Candies, chocolates, sweets: always a big favorite!
    • As an added bonus, get your business name stamped on the wrapper!
  • Take-home aftercare instructions to ensure their spray tan fades evenly
    • You can also have a section on the other side to write in their next appointment, or have proper pre-tan instructions for their next spray tan service
  • Another popular option is a business card with an appointment card on the opposite side.
  • Nose Filters for during the spray tan service
    • Also gives your client a bit more piece of mind during the service
  • Chap stick for during (and after) the spray tan service
    • Awesome gift, because it’s something that they can use outside of spray tanning too!
  • Exfoliation skincare samples and/or products (mitts, etc.) for use before their next service
    • Great for ensuring there will be a next service!
  • Skincare samples of tan-safe moisturizers, body washes, soaps, lotions, etc.
    • Also great for driving sales to your full-size products!
  • T-shirts, loose-fitting dresses, or umbrellas with your business name and logo
    • If you’re really feeling adventurous!
  • A few stickers for a little added fun with their tan line
  • Sunglasses or sunscreen
    • Ties in great with the safer alternative of spray tanning!

Use the ideas that we’ve gathered, or some of your own, to build your own Client Care Kit, and share the results with us on Facebook (@avivalabs) or Instagram (@avivaspraytans)

At Aviva, we’ve long since had our Skincare Giftbags, which are a huge hit with clients, but we want you to be able to build your own Client Care Kits. That’s why we now also offer:

  • Nose Filters
  • Client Care Gift Bags
  • Before and Aftercare Take-home Cards
  • Dermasuri Deep Exfoliation Mitts
  • And of course our entire line of spray tan safe skincare items!

And the best part is that our Aviva Artist Member’s get special bulk pricing on each item!

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