The 4 Best Things You Can Tell Existing Clients to Get Them to Try Spray Tanning

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“A spray tan keeps your skin even and smooth, in the summer and the winter”

If your client is willing to get a facial cleanse, use moisturizers, and is okay with milk or oatmeal baths and exfoliating scrubs, then why not suggest yet another way to help make their skin looking even, healthy, and beautiful? In the winter, clients usually don’t use a spray tan to “get a tan”, but instead to make their skin tones look more even.

The best way to address this is a classic upselling technique: show them results. Pictures don’t lie, and if you can convince them to just try it once then they will see the results firsthand.

“A spray tan will help show off all that weight you have lost”

A spray tan is a great way to accentuate the results from burning off that winter weight that somehow seems to find us (it certainly couldn’t have anything to do with the Gauntlet of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, and Valentine’s Day!)

Consider a spray tan to be your skin’s favorite black dress. It’s slimming, it compliments your figure, and it makes you feel more confident and more attractive.

“A spray tan can make your skin look younger”

As we age, our skin turns grey because our heart cannot pump oxygen throughout our body as effectively as it once had—our skin is the first thing visibly affected by this. While this is a natural process of aging, it can still be a point of embarrassment for many.

A spray tan does not have to make you look like you just got off the beach. There are solutions that are formulated for older clients in mind; they are subtle and provide just enough color to do away with ash-colored skin and restore the appearance of a youthful glow.

“A spray tan will clear up specific skin problems”

A healthy, natural, oil-free and alcohol-free spray tan can help specific skin problems like acne and blackheads. A spray tan can also help cover up age spots, Rosacea and certain types of Vitiligo.

Acne mostly affects the face, back, and upper chest, and is often caused by stress, hormones, and oily skin. If you have acne and you want to get a spray tan, look for a solution that does not include oil!

“Rosacea cannot be cured, but you can take steps to control your symptoms.

Make sure to take care of your skin using gentle cleansers and oil-free, water-based skin-care products.

Avoid products that contain ingredients that may irritate your symptoms. These include alcohol, menthol, witch hazel, and exfoliating agents.1”

From: Healthline

1. Rosacea: Signs and symtpoms. (n.d.). American Academy of Dermatology. Retrieved June 8, 2012, from

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