The sun can do a number on your skin, and caring for it becomes even more important: Read up on proper skin care, and some great products to sell during the summer months!
In the winter, everybody and their mother focuses on protecting their skin with moisturizers and exfoliants, body scrubs and special treatments at the spa. In the summer, many of us don’t even think twice about it: our skin only needs the extra love in the winter, right? If only it was that easy!
From swimming in chlorinated pools and salt water to being out in the strong summer sun all day at a family BBQ, our skin takes one heck of a beating! Even being inside in the summer can dry your skin out: air conditioning saps the humidity from the room, which results in your skin’s natural moisture being removed as well! The abuse our skin suffers is only compounded when you add in the effects the sun has on your skin normally or, worse, during the occasional sunburn (which you should try to avoid at all costs, but let’s be honest: we’re only human!). And of course there are the drying effects that some sunblocks have as well.
But don’t let that ruin your summer!
Just as there are many factors that can negatively affect your skin (and your spray tan), there are tons of things you can do to protect your skin health too!
Every Day Tips: A few things your clients should keep in mind when they are between spray tans, to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Drink lots of water to replenish your skin’s natural moisture. Especially important if you’ve been sweating/exercising or swimming in salt water of heavily chlorinated pools!
- Rinse off soon after swimming in an ocean or pool as both the salt and chemicals will continue to dry out your skin even after you’ve toweled off
- Forgo air conditioning when possible, as in addition to sucking the humidity out of the room, it also saps everything of it’s natural moisture, and that includes you!
- Where sunscreen even on overcast/cloudy days: the sun’s rays can penetrate the cloud cover
- Where UV clothing and Sunglasses if you are going to be outside for an extended period of time
- Moisturize (at least) twice a day to help boost your skin’s health and combat all the drying factors you’ll come up against in the warm summer months!
Summer Pre-Tan Tips: In addition to your normal pre-tan guidelines, share these summer pre-tan tips with your client three days before they come in for a spray tan to ensure they are not sabotaging their tans
- Reschedule your spray tan if you got a sunburn within 4-6 days of your appointment: If you are already peeling, the tan will look uneven. If you are about to start peeling, your color will be gone once your skin sheds.
- If you did recently get a sunburn and have already started peeling: very gently exfoliate your skin (soaking in a tub works wonders) before your spray tan to ensure you have the freshest slate possible. Be aware that any skin that is still peeling will result in an uneven tan in that area.
- Start a more extensive moisturizing regimen of three times a day to boost your skin’s health to it’s fullest potential before getting your spray tan; this will increase the life of your spray tan
- Also: start drinking more water as this will help boost your skin’s health as well!
- Try not to go swimming the day of your appointment as the salt water or chlorine can wreak havoc on a tan!
Summer Post-Tan Tips: Share these guidelines with your clients after they get their spray tan. They’ll thank you for it!
- Avoid sweating, swimming, and sprinklers until after your initial rinse off: water and spray tans don’t mix!
- When you do go swimming, be sure to rinse the salt or chlorine off of your skin as soon as possible as they are both extremely drying (which will shorten the life of your spray tan)
- There are a ton of things that dry out your skin in the summer: To ensure your tan lasts as long as possible, keep up your water and moisturizing regimen, and do not get a sunburn!
- Sun Protection and Spray Tanning: Remember: a spray tan DOES NOT offer any protection from the sun! It is a tan in appearance only, and will NOT provide any UV protection.
- You should always be sure to lather up with a good sunscreen before going out (even on cloudy days!).
Reminder about Rapid Tans: Rapid Tans can be a huge benefit to your spray tan business in the summer because of their earlier wash off time. Trying not to sweat, swim, or run through that inviting sprinkler for 8-10 hours can be absolute torture. With a rapid tan, your clients will be able to get back to the summer fun that much faster–the convenience factor of the rapid tans definitely makes for an easy up-sell!
Perfect Products: In the summer, our clients experience the most success with our Velvet Soft and Shower Glow lines, and our exfoliation products are always a huge hit!
Velvet Soft is a fantastic moisturizer designed to replenish your skin’s health and keep it supple and smooth all day long (and best of all, it’s designed to work perfectly with spray tanning!) It’s a light, but strong moisturizer, perfect for the summer when a heavier product can be unpleasant.
Shower Glow is a huge seller in July and August because of it’s tan-boosting potential. Clients should be rinsing off after they go for a swim in a chlorinated pool or a dip in the ocean; what better way to counteract the fading they’ve caused than by using a body wash that has DHA infused in it?